Global Standards: Internationally Recognized & Accredited Degree Programs

Elevate Your Education with
Regional Accreditation

An Apostille is a specialized certificate issued by the Secretary of State. It is attached to your documents in order to verify the legitimacy and authenticity of the documents and therefore, making the documents recognized and acceptable in all member countries of the Hague Apostille Convention. The Hague Apostille Convention consists of 117 member countries, all of which require an Apostille from the Secretary of State of the American Board of Higher Education Commission (US Department of State)

Document Authentication, Certification, and Embassy or Consulate Legalization is required in all 50 states in the US through recognized bodies, to maintain distance education standardization and quality assurance for all students registered either in the United States or international students registered with US based universities.

Click To View Apostille Member Countries

Focused on promoting academic excellence, the US Board of Education places utmost importance on its dedication to members, students, and society. Advocating for the importance and independence of accreditation, USBOE centers its mission on acknowledging accrediting bodies and upholding quality standards in higher education.

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For Non-Apostille countries (those which have not signed the US Apostille Treaty), a certificate from the state is attached with the documents instead of an Apostille. The certificate from each states varies from the other and thus there at 50 different kinds of certificates. Documents can be issues from any of the State including the U.S. Federal Government with Authentication and Legalization services. Prior to the issuance, documents are processed and verified through the State registration, the American Board of Higher Education Commission (US Department of State) in Washington, D.C, and then through the respective cultural division / department in State.

Click To View Arab World Countries   |   Click To View all Non Apostle Member Countries

Note: Non Apostle Member Countries are not part of the Hague Apostille Convention and therefore, any document requested by these countries will receive a certification. These countries may also require an additional legalization by a Consulate or Embassy office.

The Gulf Higher Education Accreditation Council oversees, certifies, and supports higher education in the Middle East, ensuring excellence and effectiveness through regulations and assistance to universities.

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A Professional license / membership is a certification that displays a professional’s compliance to a higher level of standards. It allows companies and individuals to gain fast and easy entry into the international markets, allowing them to tap foreign markets as registered professionals in their particular fields. The below mentioned licensing and membership/ certification bodies ensure individuals and businesses meet the set international quality standards. The main objective of the bodies is to grant certification or licenses to the professionals, make sure they are held accountable for their actions and monitor finances for tax purposes.

The GABFEP stands as a beacon of excellence within the American academic landscape, dedicated to bestowing accreditation upon educational institutions spanning from schools to universities across the United States. Our accreditation system is all-encompassing, embracing a multitude of disciplines and profiles, and facilitating seamless transitions both academically and professionally.

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The formation of the United States Ministry of Accredited Business Program & Education Certification (USMABPEC) stemmed from the demands of university leaders seeking an accreditation process focused on mission-driven outcomes rather than rigid input-based standards. Initially, many four-year colleges in the United States offering business degrees lacked recognition from existing accrediting bodies.

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The International Commission of Higher Education Accreditation (ICOHEA) is a respected accrediting agency committed to advancing quality standards and fostering excellence in higher education institutions throughout the United States. ICOHEA plays a pivotal role in ensuring academic integrity, accountability, and continuous improvement within accredited institutions.

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I recognize that accreditation plays a crucial role in establishing the legitimacy and authenticity of an educational institution.

- Student Counselor

Committed to Providing the Highest Level of Education: Westmoreland University of Virginia

Westmoreland University of Virginia is an internationally recognized and accredited distance learning university. We have received certifications from multiple international accreditation bodies, continually advancing our online programs and courses to ensure our students receive the best distance learning experience.
  • Quality Assurance
    Our rigorous evaluation process ensures that all degree, diploma, and certification programs meet standards for affordability, flexibility, curriculum quality, and student learning outcomes.
  • Recognition and Legitimacy
    Accreditation certifies the legitimacy of your degree, ensuring it is recognized by employers and other educational institutions for further education.
  • Transferability of Credits
    Endorsing academic quality and standards, accreditation provides confidence to evaluators when transferring course credits to other universities.
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