Undergraduate Diploma in Organizational Psychology

Undergraduate Diploma


The following courses are available for your Associate's degree. Each course provides you a unique educational experience. Each course is developed by an international staff of highly skilled instructors. The course material is updated to provide students with the latest current information in the subject.

  • Course Name

  • Courses Description

  • Credit Hours

  • Personality Theories

  • This introduction to theories of personality course introduces you to rich history of psychology and practical information that helps you understand their own lives and relationships with others. Using a theorist-by-theorist approach, course summarizes major theories of personality and emphasizes that best understanding of personality comes from variety of viewpoints.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Organizational Psychology

  • Course focuses on how industrial-organizational psychology directly influences our lives as job applicants, trainees, employees, managers, and consumers. Topics include employee selection, psychological testing, performance appraisal, and training; leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, and job involvement; working conditions, safety, violence, and health in the workplace; and engineering and consumer psychology.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Human Factor Psychology

  • This course provides an accessible overview of major psychological concepts and techniques that conveys how to exercise a solid professional performance and achieve personal satisfaction. Approaches to perception, learning, personality, conflict and motivation are examined, as well as theories of human behavior at work.

  • 6 Credits

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Organization behavior is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. This course is designed to acquaint you with the theories of behavior of people in social organizations. It examines cross-cultural relationships, challenges of leadership, global issues that impact businesses today, and the relevance of OB to future careers.

  • 6 Credits

  • Group Theories

  • This course presents a broad, integrative overview of group dynamics presented in a well researched, readable, and experiential format. This course introduces you to the theory and research findings needed to understand how to make groups effective, and it helps build skills required to apply that knowledge in practical situations.

  • 6 Credits

  • Fundamentals of Psychological Testing

  • This course provides detailed overview on neuropsychological and geriatric assessment, the early uses and abuses of testing, assessment of learning disabilities, testing in special settings, race differences in IQ, and cheating on national group achievement tests. The course also includes latest versions of the most widely used tests.

  • 6 Credits
