Undergraduate Diploma in Fire Sciences

Undergraduate Diploma

Courses Offered in FIRE SCIENCES

The following courses are available for your Associate's degree. Each course provides you a unique educational experience. Each course is developed by an international staff of highly skilled instructors. The course material is updated to provide students with the latest current information in the subject.

  • Course Name

  • Courses Description

  • Credit Hours

  • Fire Suppression Practices

  • This course provides you with a comprehensive initial introduction to suppression of structural fires. It introduces definitions, terminology, and a brief history of structural fire suppression. It also provides you with a basic knowledge of fire behavior, how and what materials burn, extinguishment systems, and basic methods of suppression.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Fire Brigade

  • An introduction to fire science with emphasis upon municipal fire services, fire defenses through prevention and the basic concepts of combustion and extinguishment defenses through prevention and the basic concepts of combustion and extinguishment.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Fire Hydraulics

  • This course introduces terminology and definitions, involved in fire service hydraulics. It helps you gain an understanding of the complexities involved in modern apparatus pumping and water delivery systems.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Fire Science

  • The primary intent of this course is to acquaint you with history, traditions, terminology, organization and operation of the service. It gives a deep understanding of the fire sciences terminologies, concepts and definitions.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Fire Investigation

  • This course addresses on the fire fighter's role in combating the fire; investigation techniques, reports, case histories, and court preparation as well as detection, prevention, and preservation of evidence in such cases.

  • 6 Credits

  • Introduction to Fire Prevention

  • This course introduces fire prevention concepts as they relate to community and industrial operations. These topics include the development and maintenance of fire prevention programs, educational programs, and inspection programs.

  • 6 Credits
